1. That bright yellow movie posters = ‘big independent film’.
2. We use the plurals ‘heads’ and ‘tails’ when flipping coins, but there’s only ever one head and one tail on any one coin. Here’s why.
3. During both World Wars of last century, despite all the senseless killing, life expectancy increased. In The Spirit Level, the authors suggest that this was due to societies which had suddenly become more equal. ‘Increases in life expectancy for civilians during the war decades were twice those seen throughout the rest of the twentieth century. In the decades which contain the world wars, life expectancy increased between 6 and 7 years for men and women, whereas in the decades before, between and after, life expectancy increased by 1 and 4 years. Although the nation’s nutritional status improved with rationing in the Second World War, this was not true for the First World War, and material living standards declined during both wars.’
4. Indie Album Covers: Once you see the trends, you can’t unsee them.