Power Postures Can Make You Feel More Powerful from Wired
Can This Simple Trick Stop Athletes From Choking Under Pressure? from PsyBlog; they’re talking about squeezing one fist and not the other.
10 Of The Best Yoga Poses For Headaches from Huffington Post is a series of photos. This first is the ‘cat cow’ which I have been doing on the recommendation of a chiropractor as an antidote to sitting at a desk. If I remember to do it EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR then it definitely helps. But I haven’t had a headache in ages, so have yet to test out whether the other postures work. If you’re a regular sufferer of headaches, maybe you’ll let me know?
How Your Chair Changes Your Mindset from Co.Design
12 Yoga Poses To Undo The Damage Of Your Desk Job from Huffington. Includes the cat-cow.